Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is what motherhood is all about...

So, this may be a little graphic for some. :)

But I have a true mommy story. First off, Raygan-Elise can't stand to be left alone. Literally, she will scream and scream as soon as you walk out of the room. She can be perfectly happy playing with her can be behind her and walk away...and she stops and screams. She makes herself so upset and will get out of breath, etc. So now, Brian is out of town at a training session for his new job. I have to go to the restroom! So I take her with me into our bathroom and put her on my lap. Quick and simple. Then, Reese walks in too! He just starts talking and playing with Raygan-Elise. Doesn't act like it is any big deal. So, here I am...trying to potty...with my 8 month old on my lap and my 6 year old dancing in front of me. Who needs privacy!?! Not a mommy!!

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