Sunday, January 18, 2009

I have a loose tooth...Want to know about it?



This story starts back in October when Reese noticed his bottom tooth wiggled. For months he would mention it every once and a while. But then came today...I woke up to the loud sound--"Mama, Mama, my tooth, my tooth, pull it out it hurts." Then, all day long it hurt. It "bothered" him (his words). He hardly ate. He didn't even eat his whole quesadillas, which he loves. Tonight, he wanted it out. We called Poppa, who said he'd come by and pull it tomorrow. But after more hours of listening to it bother him...I decided to just pull it. He got a little nervous, but I pulled. He yelped "ouch" and then touched inside and said "it's gone." For me--Quick and simple! Over so fast! He was surprised by how little the tooth actually is and that his tongue can now fit in the hole in his mouth. He called Poppa and Hammie first. He says- "You want to know about my loose tooth...wanna know about came out!" He told Aunt Joan, "Yeah, but I didn't push it back and forth. My mom just yanked it out." We are excited. He is really wondering if the Tooth Fairy will know it was coming out today since it was bothering him.

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