Sunday, November 1, 2009

Update on Raygan-Elise

Raygan-Elise had a busy month in October(and end of sept):
We decided that Disney Live was the calm before the storm because 2 days later she started running fever. Took her to the doctor (not our usual doc since he was out) on Sept 29 and she had a double ear infection. I also showed him the "white stuff" I noticed inside her mouth and he said that was normal and possibly irritation from molars appearing. We started an antibiotic. On October 6, I went with Reese's class to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Reese sat by Titus and loved the movie. Then Reese and I took Raygan-Elise to her Speech Eval. After the eval, they determined she was 6-9 months delayed in expressive and receptive language and were going to write up a report for the doctor. After some investigating, I discovered that our insurance doesn't pay for speech therapy for a language delay so I contacted first steps who scheduled their own eval date. Raygan-Elise was irritable and fussy more than usual and it continued all day long! She did however start babbling in syllables (baba, bo, mamama) and started waving bye-bye and sometimes even saying bye! On October 22, I took her back to the doctor, and this time we got into our doc!! He said both her ears were still infected and the stuff in her mouth was thrush. He gave us both med and did a CBC test. One number on the CBC was a little off so he sent us for lab work for 3 tests. Getting blood taken out of a 17 month olds veins is awfully sad! After the blood was taken, I took it upon myself to look it up on the internet what they were testing for--gluetin allergies. For 3 days, I didn't care and then for the 4 following days I looked and read and fully convince myself she had it. BUT she didn't!! YAY! and since taking the medicine for thrush she has been a much different child. Now she is still demanding and cries more than Reese ever did, but it isn't as constant. AND she smiles and laughes when that use to rarely happen. We are thrilled and really wonder how long she had this thrush infection! She was even excited every day last week when I picked her up from daycare. She would run up to me smiling. She has not done that one time since August (Everyday she would just start screaming when she saw me). On Oct. 26, she had her speech eval through First Steps. They determined her expressive and receptive language were on a 12 month level, and she will start having a special instructor come once a week for up to 60 min. I believe this will help with the crying also because it may help with language frustrations. All other areas of development were at the 18 month old level! YAY!!

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