Reese wanted to have blue hair for character day at school. His first idea was a rock star book, then Monsters VS Aliens(he would be BOB). After not finding either book, he decided to write his own book. He wrote a story about a blue haired phantom attacking the USA. At this point, I decided Mrs. Samsel wouldn't care and that it was just fine to write his own book. Then, he completed the book report form using his book. Here is the story he wrote and a pic of him on book character day (in the picture, you can also see the "pumpkin-stien" he made all by himself for his spotlight/gifted pumpkin project):
The world was a peacefle place until. A meardor hit the earth.
It openend phantoms came out. They had blue hair and a black robe. They rampageed .
They had a gun, connon, torpedow, and a laser. They distored the woods, river, and the sity. So the U.S.A. gets sords, shields, and tanks. The U.S.A won. They selbrated with a feast.
Then it rained. The phantoms came back alive and distored Cina and avry thing in it . The U.S.A. air force came and beat them again. They were tierd and rested. And the genrel was proud. THE END
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