* All the funny things Reese says. Recent quotes from Reese:
--After he was relaying messages for a while b/t Brian and I, he grabbed my cell phone, pushed some buttons, and said, "I'm done and clocking out for the day." Then he walked upstairs without saying another word.
--While trying to feed the very big catfish at Lake Tiak-O'Khata, he said, "the ducks are getting into our territory!"
--"I ate so much Thanksgiving food, I think I put on a few pounds." (yes, that was from Reese not me!)
* Reese's baby teeth! He has also lost 2 more teeth- another on bottom and his first on the top. I pulled the bottom one, and he pulled his top one while at school. First time for him to pull one!
* Reese rushing to say, "Good night, sweet dreams, don't let the beg bugs bite, love you more! I beat you!!"
I will miss Raygan-Elise:
* Grabbing and holding the collars of shirts or sleeves with her little hands and even her own collar if needed
* Her running to me and falling into my lap
* Her dancing and wiggling from side to side(which she loves to do now, especially to Chicken Elmo and Country Elmo that are hand-me downs from John Aedon!)
* Her calling me and Brian- mama!!
* Her signing more and eat.
* waving bye upside down. (more like we would use our hands to say come here).
* her soothie/pacifier- everyone says she reminds them of the baby on the Simpsons b/c she smacks on her soothie and really makes that same sound as on the show!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween, 2009
We did many activities leading up to Halloween night.
To start, we went to the annual Zoo Boo! This is our 4th year to go and we had a blast. We went with several friends this year- Bethany, Shane and Jack and Melissa and Aaron. Reese and Aaron both got picked to go on stage to help with a trick. That was so exciting for them! Reese decided to go through each line 2 times in a row by going through the line, then going to the end of the long line and going through again...He called it his sneak attack! Baby Jack and Raygan-Elise both decided to need a big time diaper change while having at least 3 layers of clothes on their little bodies! We had both talked to them about this prior to the event, but of course they didn't listen. The Hay Ride was a hit! Reese rode the spinning ride with a complete stranger! He's such a big boy! Raygan-Elise and Jack (and us mommies) had a fun time on the fast carousel! and I think Reese and Raygan-Elise's favorite was the dracula disco! They danced and danced! Although I think the cutest part of the evening was when we tried to take pics of Jack and Raygan-Elise together. I got some cute pics of Raygan-Elise while they situated Jack. By the time Jack was ready, Raygan-Elise decided to get up and walk around. But then she walked over to him and they just looked at each other, tapped each other, smiled and eventually shook hands (see pic!!).
We also enjoyed the OBHS Halloween Carnival! Reese played all the games and even went down a haunted hall (although he only made it half-way...brian went to and said it was scary!!). We got to see lots of friends--Vince, Valerie, JT, Abby, Jorja, Jack and many more!Raygan-Elise played the pick a duck game! Her first game!! and won 2 pieces of candy!
Raygan-Elise had her first class party and pajama day! I was able to go thanks to a good friend, Stacey, for watching my class! Raygan-Elise loves to eat, so of course this was right up her ally!! We signed up for treat bags so I made clear bags of cheetos look like pumpkins. She quickly ate her cupcake and use her baby sign to sign she wanted more. Mrs. Deborah gave her another cupcake! They had juice boxes which was hilarious to watch them try and figure them out. She enjoyed playing with her straw, although she did drink about half of it. She tried her strawberry, grapes, cookie, and cheetos too! I enjoyed just sitting back and watching her and her friends! We took Reese's teachers and her teachers cakes! yum, yum. Reese's class couldn't have a party, but they did each take a treat for their friends. He took Halloween shaped marshmallows with a pencil attached to the bag.
Then we went to downtown OB the afternoon of Halloween! We trick-or-treated in each store! I think Raygan-Elise liked the Ballroom Dancing Studio the best. She has really gotten into "dancing" lately and I must say it is SO funny to watch. She makes her hips/waist go front and back! Too cute!
Halloween night-- We went on a Trick or Treating Hay ride with our neighbors! Reese was so excited (since he missed it last year being sick). Reese was his blue phantom and Raygan-Elise was a pink poodle (she loves her pink poodle webkinz! It is the first thing she ever became attached to). Many of the houses had great decorations! One even had a haunted maze. Brian went through it with the kids first then I did. Reese kept telling look mom there is someone behind that tree about to scare you! Mark (our neighbor) finally said Reese stop telling her. :) Raygan-Elise loved the ride. She loves it outside!!! When we stopped, the kids and dads would go to first of 4 or 5 houses and Raygan-Elise and I would walk to the 3rd one. In our neighborhood, the driveways are long and in some parts of it-very long. Raygan-Elise and I would walk and walk and about half way to the house she'd turn around and walk back. She was very cute and excited to be out and about! I think maybe we made it all the way up to 3 houses! After we got home, I wanted to get a picture of Raygan-Elis smiling. So Reese jumped around and acted silly! She loves laughing at him! Then, she truly got tickled with me pulling her paci out of her mouth using my teeth (because I was holding her and the camera.) She was laughing so hard which made Reese and I both crack up! It was a great time!
To start, we went to the annual Zoo Boo! This is our 4th year to go and we had a blast. We went with several friends this year- Bethany, Shane and Jack and Melissa and Aaron. Reese and Aaron both got picked to go on stage to help with a trick. That was so exciting for them! Reese decided to go through each line 2 times in a row by going through the line, then going to the end of the long line and going through again...He called it his sneak attack! Baby Jack and Raygan-Elise both decided to need a big time diaper change while having at least 3 layers of clothes on their little bodies! We had both talked to them about this prior to the event, but of course they didn't listen. The Hay Ride was a hit! Reese rode the spinning ride with a complete stranger! He's such a big boy! Raygan-Elise and Jack (and us mommies) had a fun time on the fast carousel! and I think Reese and Raygan-Elise's favorite was the dracula disco! They danced and danced! Although I think the cutest part of the evening was when we tried to take pics of Jack and Raygan-Elise together. I got some cute pics of Raygan-Elise while they situated Jack. By the time Jack was ready, Raygan-Elise decided to get up and walk around. But then she walked over to him and they just looked at each other, tapped each other, smiled and eventually shook hands (see pic!!).
We also enjoyed the OBHS Halloween Carnival! Reese played all the games and even went down a haunted hall (although he only made it half-way...brian went to and said it was scary!!). We got to see lots of friends--Vince, Valerie, JT, Abby, Jorja, Jack and many more!Raygan-Elise played the pick a duck game! Her first game!! and won 2 pieces of candy!
Raygan-Elise had her first class party and pajama day! I was able to go thanks to a good friend, Stacey, for watching my class! Raygan-Elise loves to eat, so of course this was right up her ally!! We signed up for treat bags so I made clear bags of cheetos look like pumpkins. She quickly ate her cupcake and use her baby sign to sign she wanted more. Mrs. Deborah gave her another cupcake! They had juice boxes which was hilarious to watch them try and figure them out. She enjoyed playing with her straw, although she did drink about half of it. She tried her strawberry, grapes, cookie, and cheetos too! I enjoyed just sitting back and watching her and her friends! We took Reese's teachers and her teachers cakes! yum, yum. Reese's class couldn't have a party, but they did each take a treat for their friends. He took Halloween shaped marshmallows with a pencil attached to the bag.
Then we went to downtown OB the afternoon of Halloween! We trick-or-treated in each store! I think Raygan-Elise liked the Ballroom Dancing Studio the best. She has really gotten into "dancing" lately and I must say it is SO funny to watch. She makes her hips/waist go front and back! Too cute!
Halloween night-- We went on a Trick or Treating Hay ride with our neighbors! Reese was so excited (since he missed it last year being sick). Reese was his blue phantom and Raygan-Elise was a pink poodle (she loves her pink poodle webkinz! It is the first thing she ever became attached to). Many of the houses had great decorations! One even had a haunted maze. Brian went through it with the kids first then I did. Reese kept telling look mom there is someone behind that tree about to scare you! Mark (our neighbor) finally said Reese stop telling her. :) Raygan-Elise loved the ride. She loves it outside!!! When we stopped, the kids and dads would go to first of 4 or 5 houses and Raygan-Elise and I would walk to the 3rd one. In our neighborhood, the driveways are long and in some parts of it-very long. Raygan-Elise and I would walk and walk and about half way to the house she'd turn around and walk back. She was very cute and excited to be out and about! I think maybe we made it all the way up to 3 houses! After we got home, I wanted to get a picture of Raygan-Elis smiling. So Reese jumped around and acted silly! She loves laughing at him! Then, she truly got tickled with me pulling her paci out of her mouth using my teeth (because I was holding her and the camera.) She was laughing so hard which made Reese and I both crack up! It was a great time!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Reese's Character Day Costume
Reese wanted to have blue hair for character day at school. His first idea was a rock star book, then Monsters VS Aliens(he would be BOB). After not finding either book, he decided to write his own book. He wrote a story about a blue haired phantom attacking the USA. At this point, I decided Mrs. Samsel wouldn't care and that it was just fine to write his own book. Then, he completed the book report form using his book. Here is the story he wrote and a pic of him on book character day (in the picture, you can also see the "pumpkin-stien" he made all by himself for his spotlight/gifted pumpkin project):
The world was a peacefle place until. A meardor hit the earth.
It openend phantoms came out. They had blue hair and a black robe. They rampageed .
They had a gun, connon, torpedow, and a laser. They distored the woods, river, and the sity. So the U.S.A. gets sords, shields, and tanks. The U.S.A won. They selbrated with a feast.
Then it rained. The phantoms came back alive and distored Cina and avry thing in it . The U.S.A. air force came and beat them again. They were tierd and rested. And the genrel was proud. THE END
Update on Raygan-Elise
Raygan-Elise had a busy month in October(and end of sept):
We decided that Disney Live was the calm before the storm because 2 days later she started running fever. Took her to the doctor (not our usual doc since he was out) on Sept 29 and she had a double ear infection. I also showed him the "white stuff" I noticed inside her mouth and he said that was normal and possibly irritation from molars appearing. We started an antibiotic. On October 6, I went with Reese's class to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Reese sat by Titus and loved the movie. Then Reese and I took Raygan-Elise to her Speech Eval. After the eval, they determined she was 6-9 months delayed in expressive and receptive language and were going to write up a report for the doctor. After some investigating, I discovered that our insurance doesn't pay for speech therapy for a language delay so I contacted first steps who scheduled their own eval date. Raygan-Elise was irritable and fussy more than usual and it continued all day long! She did however start babbling in syllables (baba, bo, mamama) and started waving bye-bye and sometimes even saying bye! On October 22, I took her back to the doctor, and this time we got into our doc!! He said both her ears were still infected and the stuff in her mouth was thrush. He gave us both med and did a CBC test. One number on the CBC was a little off so he sent us for lab work for 3 tests. Getting blood taken out of a 17 month olds veins is awfully sad! After the blood was taken, I took it upon myself to look it up on the internet what they were testing for--gluetin allergies. For 3 days, I didn't care and then for the 4 following days I looked and read and fully convince myself she had it. BUT she didn't!! YAY! and since taking the medicine for thrush she has been a much different child. Now she is still demanding and cries more than Reese ever did, but it isn't as constant. AND she smiles and laughes when that use to rarely happen. We are thrilled and really wonder how long she had this thrush infection! She was even excited every day last week when I picked her up from daycare. She would run up to me smiling. She has not done that one time since August (Everyday she would just start screaming when she saw me). On Oct. 26, she had her speech eval through First Steps. They determined her expressive and receptive language were on a 12 month level, and she will start having a special instructor come once a week for up to 60 min. I believe this will help with the crying also because it may help with language frustrations. All other areas of development were at the 18 month old level! YAY!!
We decided that Disney Live was the calm before the storm because 2 days later she started running fever. Took her to the doctor (not our usual doc since he was out) on Sept 29 and she had a double ear infection. I also showed him the "white stuff" I noticed inside her mouth and he said that was normal and possibly irritation from molars appearing. We started an antibiotic. On October 6, I went with Reese's class to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Reese sat by Titus and loved the movie. Then Reese and I took Raygan-Elise to her Speech Eval. After the eval, they determined she was 6-9 months delayed in expressive and receptive language and were going to write up a report for the doctor. After some investigating, I discovered that our insurance doesn't pay for speech therapy for a language delay so I contacted first steps who scheduled their own eval date. Raygan-Elise was irritable and fussy more than usual and it continued all day long! She did however start babbling in syllables (baba, bo, mamama) and started waving bye-bye and sometimes even saying bye! On October 22, I took her back to the doctor, and this time we got into our doc!! He said both her ears were still infected and the stuff in her mouth was thrush. He gave us both med and did a CBC test. One number on the CBC was a little off so he sent us for lab work for 3 tests. Getting blood taken out of a 17 month olds veins is awfully sad! After the blood was taken, I took it upon myself to look it up on the internet what they were testing for--gluetin allergies. For 3 days, I didn't care and then for the 4 following days I looked and read and fully convince myself she had it. BUT she didn't!! YAY! and since taking the medicine for thrush she has been a much different child. Now she is still demanding and cries more than Reese ever did, but it isn't as constant. AND she smiles and laughes when that use to rarely happen. We are thrilled and really wonder how long she had this thrush infection! She was even excited every day last week when I picked her up from daycare. She would run up to me smiling. She has not done that one time since August (Everyday she would just start screaming when she saw me). On Oct. 26, she had her speech eval through First Steps. They determined her expressive and receptive language were on a 12 month level, and she will start having a special instructor come once a week for up to 60 min. I believe this will help with the crying also because it may help with language frustrations. All other areas of development were at the 18 month old level! YAY!!
Teton Trek
What a busy month! The kids and I started off this month by going to the members preview of the new teton Trek at the Zoo. Reese was so amazed. He's gone to the zoo so much that some visits the thrill isn't there anymore. But the zoo out did themselves again and this is the best exhibit yet. Reese loved the wolves and even howled and got them to come over. Raygan-Elise loved walking around and mashing her face to see the bears splashing in the water. But the biggest hit had to be the geyser water outside the exhibit! They both loved getting wet and walking on the large rocks!
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