They always say "Rain or Shine" but this year (after the storms last night) it was a day full of shine & MUD! Each year we enjoy going to the Snowden Egg Hunt. They put out over 50000 eggs! With all the mud this year, we didn't get to do the activities but the egg hunt was still a hit! This is a huge crowded place! After letting Reese shoot a few basketballs, Brian and Reese headed to the ages 5-8 field and Raygan-Elise and I headed to the 0-4 field. Since this was Raygan-Elise's first big egg hunt, I took the camera! She also had a very small one at her Daycare, and Reese went to the OBHS egg hunt on Friday!
The countdown begins.5, 4, 3, 2, 1..and off we go! Raygan-Elise walked right out to the field and stopped! She stared at 4 eggs! and stared and stared...luckily the parents around were very nice and guided their children away from these 4 eggs b/c in a matter of minutes the 10's of thousands of eggs are gone! I encouraged her to pick them up but she just stared!!
Finally, she inched forward and picked up the eggs! Then we walked across the field where she found one more that the large crowd walked passed! Grand total= 5 eggs!! Her instructor that comes each Monday has been working with her to say eat (instead of throwing a fit on ground when hungry!) One activity was shaking the eggs and then seeing inside and saying eat to get the candy prize! So, of course, Ray-Elise was ready to shake and open each egg and eat the prize!!
Brian found Reese a good spot to start the hunt and took his Easter Grass out of his basket so he'd have more room! Brian says as they were waiting for the hunt to start that Reese found a friend, Drew from his football team. They talked and pretended the flags that blocked off the fields were pizza- yellow flag = cheese pizza, green flag = molded pizza! When we met up with them, Reese said he found the most eggs out of everyone! Then said well other than the boy who had the garbage bag for a basket!!! His Grand Total= 68 Eggs!!
After the hunt, we took some pictures (of course!- Notice Raygan-Elise really wants in Reese's basket! He was a great big brother and shared!) and then went to eat Mexican (imagine that!- but still no cheese dip! Brian says we are a team and we stick together! If Raygan-Elise can't have cheese, neither can we! Reese and I are thinking we are going to have to come up with a better plan! Reese says, "Chips aren't chips without cheese dip!").
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