Monday, March 2, 2009

Raygan-Elise 9 month PT Dismissal!

Raygan-Elise is now 9 months old. We went for her physical therapy session today, and she has now caught up to her birth age in her physical goals (instead of her corrected age b/c of prematurity). This means that she is 9 months old and physically can do 9 month old skills--crawling and pulling up, etc. So, she was dismissed from PT today! We will miss Ms. Jodie! She was so wonderful and gave us lots of tips throughout the past months.

Although she was dismissed from PT, Ms. Jodie does a developmental check of things that do not relate to PT. For social development and fine motor development, she was between 6 months and 7 months and for language/speech, she was 6 months, which is a little behind. This is close to her corrected age. We were told what goals to watch for over the next 2 months. If she hasn't mastered them, we have to call another doc at the same Rehab place and set up an appt.

Overall, Great news and a Great day! Raygan-Elise came to school with me after appt. and the kids loved on her! Reese created his usual signs/stories and hung them up everywhere around the building! He has another loose tooth (noticed it about 2 weeks ago), but he says it was a mistake and he's trying to keep this one in! HA!

1 comment:

Ashley Pollan said...

You go Raygan-Elise!! It was good to see you this weekend. I wish we could have stayed longer, but I had a sleepy baby on my hands. She slept the whole way back to Hernando.