REESE--guessing but thinking right Under 1 month old

RAYGAN-ELISE-- 3.5 months old (love digital prints b/c it tells you the day you took picture!)
***Reese and Raygan-Elise in above picture wearing same gown (although one is lined with pink and the other with blue)
Raygan-Elise turned 9 months old on Feb. 21
Things Raygan-Elise is doing Now:
Real CRAWLING everywhere and crawling fast (really started Feb. 10)
Claps and smiles to Patty cake (1st time to get clapping Feb. 17)
On Feb. 18, Brian and Hammie said she said her first word-- Patty Cake...I was in the room and it did sound like that but being that grunting and raspberry sounds is all she every makes, we must have all been dreaming!
Pulling up and starting to try to "walk" down the furniture
1st and 2nd Tooth coming in (1st tooth-Feb. 14, 2nd tooth- Feb. 25)
Finally figuring out how to open mouth when eating, but still doesn't always do it-Throughout Feb.
Just started eating 3X's a day and also just started eating a whole jar at a time. So now eating 3 full jars a day--This week!
Loves Green Beans!
Loves Bouncing!
Is still not sleeping through night and wakes up 2-3 times a night: usually around 1 am, 3 am, and 6 am.
Starting to cry for me in the mornings when I am leaving for work (started this about 1.5 wks ago)
Enjoying Kindermusik Class with Mrs. Courtney--Have been to 3 classes
Reese 6 yrs. and 9 months :) --
We are so very proud of Reese for "making the grade" on the 1st test for Spotlight (which is our gifted program). He made 92% percentile! So he will be tested again in a one-on-one setting to see if he gets into Spotlight!
Loves playing Zelda on WII!
Enjoys singing rock songs, especially Nickleback "RockStar". Every morning on the ride to school he says, "I call my song."
Loves learning new jokes and then telling them (One day this month, he came outside after school with a bloody tissue on his nose. I, of course, freaked out! He laughed and laughed and showed me that it was only a tissue he drew red spots all over!)
Loves playing outside with neighbors
Started practicing for Spring Soccer and is on the Teal Tigers! Aaron is on his team again!
Eats a Pop Tart every morning!
Still is a picky eater and usually takes a lunchbox to school. Eats in cafeteria on chicken nugget and chicken tender days and taco days.
Still get very upset when he makes a mistake on his spelling sentences.