Monday, November 21, 2011

Things I forgot...and pics!!

Things I forgot-

Reese ended up being an alternate for the all star team! He played in 2 summer tournaments (team placed runner up in both) and then state tournament and the world series. It was a great experience for him and he impressed us all- even made a diving catch that looked like the pros and ended the world series with his last bat being a great hit that was a double!! He also made the Olive Branch Intermediate chess team this year!!

Raygan-Elise had oral surgery to get caps on front 2 teeth. Nala, Simba, R-E and I went that day! Didn't realize the medicine was kicking in and she feel to that the ground bc she was so tipsy...Oops! Then she screamed bc I wouldn't let her walk anymore after realizing she was tipsy!! Her front teeth are now bright white! After this, it was time to take ease off her soothe (pacifier) bc. Was scared it would pull on caps. I told her she needed to mail her soothe to baby heith. She wasn't happy but eventually gave in to it...however, 3 days later she found another soothe! When I said Baby Heith needed it..she said, "no, he don't, he have one. He have other one I gave." Ha! Smart girl! Finally got her off of her soothe that week...although tears came and went for a long time!!!

Earlier post... earlier post was from summer, 2010. It was in the draft section and I clicked it and it posted... Oops!!

Time is flying by us...

Another half year gone... Kids are growing and learning!

Reese is having a great year! He has made all A's, was the first child to get the Citizenship award in August, made the Desoto Cardinals 9u baseball team, and is being a great big brother! His week consists of school, homework, and baseball practice on Monday and Thursday nights. A friend shared a conversation he had with Reese's teacher and I must say it made me cry. And she didn't even know that I was friends with the other teacher.

Conversation started about who they thought were star students
Friend (Reese's PE teacher)- well, the kids who shine in your room may not necessarily be the ones who shine in here...,ore than likely they aren't.
Reese's teacher- True. It would be interesting to see who you think are stars and other activity teachers compared to my thoughts.
Friend- well who are yours .
Teacher- Well, my top 2 would be Reese and ____.
Friend- That is interesting bc they do shine in PE! Both very athletic, try hard, and determined!
Teacher- interesting. But if you want to know my kindest kid, kind to all, boys and girls, it would be Reese.
Friend then said they started talking about how Reese is a triple or quadruple threat- handsome, kind, smart, athletic!

Awww!! That's my boy!!!!

Raygan-Elise is growing up each day! Her conversations are so smart now! Sometimes, it takes her bit longer to catch on to numbers or letters, but she's so socially smart and verbal!!! She jokes and has a great sense of humor. she also can manipulate to get her way. Not sure if that's a pro or a con but she is talented at it! She is really into birthdays and says she wants every toy she sees for her birthday and every food at her birthday...she also says her birthday is on Friday and Tuesday. At school, we are having more good days than bad. Usually she plays and joins in...although she likes sneaking drinks from my diet dr peppers!!! I am enjoying having her with me each day.

Halloween- our traditional trip to Zoo Boo was great! John Aedon (a transformer for Zoo Boo and ghost buster for halloween), Anna, and Jeremy joined us! The kids had a ball!! Reese was scary for the first time! He wore a black coat and scary mask. He of course ran up and down each driveway and back to hayride until we pulled to next houses. When we got home, he had piles of candy on the floor. So we asked what in the world he was doing....he had sorted his candy into categories- chocolate, suckers, chewy, etc. : D. Raygan-Elise was a cute horse with bows of course!! She wasn't much into the trick or treating. After about 3 houses, she said she had enough and preferred
sitting on the hayride eating it!! Every so often, we talked her into going to another house! Then, I said let's go home. She was fine with that so as the hayride rode by our house we got off. Well, I guess she thought Reese and Daddy were getting off too bc as they pulled off the tears and screams started. She didn't want to get off...ect. After about 10 min and a trip to one more house (but then she refused to ring doorbell so we left) she was better! Pics coming soon!!